Agilent 1290 Autosampler Thermostat


  • Agilent 1290 HPLC Autosampler Thermostat (G1330B)
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The 1290 Infinity II Multicolumn Thermostat (MCT) is a UHPLC column oven that provides precise temperature control over a broad temperature range with cooling to 20 degrees below ambient and heating up to 110 °C. The MCT’s column compartment houses up to eight columns.


  • Line frequency: 50 or 60 Hz, ± 5 %
  • Temperature range: Settable from 4 °C to 40 °C in 1 ° increments
  • Temperature accuracy at ambient temperatures < 25 °C and humidity < 50 %:  3 °C to 8 °C at a setpoint of 4 °C*
  • Temperature accuracy at ambient temperatures < 30 °C and humidity < 60 %:  3 °C to 9 °C at a setpoint of 4 °C*

This Agilent 1290 Autosampler Thermostat comes expertly refurbished from GenTech Scientific.


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