Agilent 7890B GC System


  • Agilent 7890B GC
    • Detector Options:
      • Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
      • Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)
      • Electron Capture Detectors (ECD)
      • MSD
    • Inlet Options:
      • Split/Splitless (S/S)
      • Cool-on-Column
      • Purge Packed
    • Sampling Options:
      • Autosampler
      • Headspace
  • Warranty Coverage


  • GC/MS Starter Kit
  • Workbench
  • Installation & Familiarization
  • Extended Warranty
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Agilent GCs have long been known for reliability, precision, performance and longevity. Now take your lab to the next level of GC performance with this expertly refurbished Agilent 7890B Gas Chromatograph (GC).

The Agilent 7890B GC offers high performance chromatography with a complete array of performance enhancing, time saving, and resource conservation features. The combination of precise pneumatics and temperature control leads to extremely precise retention time reproducibility, which is the basis for all chromatographic measurement.

  • Capillary Flow Technology provides unique instrument capabilities
  • Low Thermal Mass
  • Integrated ‘smart’ technology and improved performance
  • Faster oven cool down and back flushing allow you to get more done in less time at a lower cost per sample
  • 5th-generation Electronic Pneumatics Control (EPC) and digital electronics help make the 7890A one of the most dependable GC ever
  • Built upon proven 6890 GC inlets, detectors and GC oven, methods can be transferred to the 7890B GC with complete confidence
  • Paired with the Agilent 5977 Series GC/MSD, the 7890B provides seamless communication and 40% faster vent times and system protections when using hydrogen carrier gas

Inlets, detectors and accessories expand the system configuration possibilities. Request a quote and speak with one of our knowledgeable staff to optimize this 7890B GC with detector and inlet options for your specific methods.

This Agilent 7890B GC System comes expertly refurbished from GenTech Scientific.


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