Waters Acquity UPC2 Convergence Manager


  • Waters Acquity UPC2 Convergence Manager
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The Acquity UPC2 Convergence Manager regulates and monitors the incoming flow and pressure of liquid CO2 in the system through these mechanisms:

  • Electronically controlled CO2 inlet shutoff valve
  • Overpressure protection
  • Auxiliary valve for venting the injection loop
  • Automated back pressure regulator (ABPR)


  • Co2 Pressure Relief: Monitors CO2 pressure and relieves over pressure that exceeds safe limits by venting it to waste or external CO2 vent.
  • CO2 shutoff valve: Turns on and shuts off the CO2 automatically when the system is powered off or when it encounters an error
  • CO2 inlet pressure transducer:
    • Measurement Range: -124 to 1190 psi
    • Resolution: 10 psi
    • Accuracy: +/- 30 psi at full scale
    • Maximum working pressure: 2000 psi

This Waters Acquity UPC2 Convergence Manager comes expertly refurbished from GenTech Scientific.


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