Waters Acquity UPLC Tunable UV Detector (TUV)


  • Waters Acquity Tunable UV Detector (TUV)
    • Nano Flow Cell
  • In-House Warranty Coverage


  • Installation & Familiarization
  • Extended Warranty
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  • Maximum signal-to-noise response enabled by light-guiding flow cell technology, which eliminates internal absorption, for minimal bandspreading and maintained concentration
  • High sensitivity for low-level detection for simultaneous quantitation of major and minor components
  • Intuitive set-up, monitoring, and diagnostics with a customizable instrument console for both Empower and MassLynx Software
  • Independent optimization of data rate and filter time constants for the accurate integrations of narrow, sharp peaks typically characterized by UPLC and resolution that are unprecedented in HPLC techniques being used in the laboratory today.

The Waters Acquity UPLC Tunable UV Detector comes fully tested and refurbished from GenTech Scientific LLC.


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