Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology
Łukasiewicz – Krakow Institute of Technology was established on April 1st 2020 as a result of the merger of two Krakow Institutes that were a part of the Łukasiewicz Research Network: Łukasiewicz – Foundry Research Institute and Łukasiewicz – Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Both institutes, with decades of tradition and experience, being combined – created a strong unit capable of taking on new challenges in the key directions of development for the Łukasiewicz Research Network, i.e. health, smart mobility, sustainable economy and energy, and digital transformation of strategic importance for the Polish economy.
Łukasiewicz – Krakow Institute of Technology is an institute specializing in materials shaping technologies, material science, materials engineering with special attention to iron, cobalt, nickel, and non-ferrous alloys casting technology, through additive technologies, including SPS, HP-HT, SLS, SLM sintering (3D printing), and machining, abrasive and erosive techniques and high temperature corrosion behavior. As an Institute, we have extensive experience in material engineering, technical metrology, assembly and automation of manufacturing processes. We carry out scientific research, development and implementation duties. We design, manufacture prototype tools and devices. We provide research, metrology and technological services to implement them into National and European financed R&D projects.